Now even more compact than ever! Measuring at just 28mm high and 120mm wide this little sucker can punch a huge amount of power through to your stir bar.
Recommended Power = Low (just enough to suspend the yeast, not a super vortex)
Dial up from off with the bar in the middle of your Erlenmeyer Flask until you just start to see a small vortex forming at the top, then dial a bit off that. You don't need a crazy amount of vortex to make a good starter. You just need to keep the yeast suspended.
Please note: 3000mL Erlenmeyer Flask in photo is not included.
The Wort Whipper
Super Compact Adjustable Magnetic Stirrer Machine
If you're new to brewing you'll soon learn that healthy yeast makes better beer. The best place to start with making healthy yeast is to build up their numbers.
We like to use to find out how much yeast you need to build up to get the best possible beer fermented.
In combination with a 1000mL, 3000mL or even a whopping 5000mL Conical Erlenmeyer flask. You'll be able to make a varying range of yeast starters depending on your batch size.
- Magnetic Stir Bar
- 1m 5v AND 2v AU Plug Adaptor